Gozen Forms to Notion


@Yaiza can you retest it and see if it’s working or not?
I also faced similar error on first try, after that it is working perfectly.

@kishanprmr It worked! :clap:

I’ll be waiting for your insights on this. Thanks for your help!

Hey @kishanprmr,

When I tried running the automation without the day field, I encountered an error: “Invalid select option, commas not allowed: LinkedIn,”

Why aren’t commas allowed? :sweat_smile:


Other error: Request to Notion API failed with status: 502

In which field you are facing this error? Can you share any error images?

@kishanprmr Is this the error that you are referring to?

Also, I have two steps to add details into Notion (one for the contact information and once for Deal information). However, the second step (Deal info) keeps erasing itself every time. After publishing, it becomes blank. I’ve filled it five times already and clicked on publish.

Blank again:

Hey @kishanprmr
Any insights on this?

Hi @Yaiza ,
are you facing this error in every run of published flow? @abuaboud can help to find out the cause through backend logs.

Yes, I just run another test and the first notion action has been totally erased…

@kishanprmr @ashrafsam And, to add to the fun… It’s completely stopped working.
I’ve added more rows to the Google sheet, but the flow isn’t running anymore.

@Yaiza I have checked this action I’m also facing this.

EDIT: It shows something like this.

@Yaiza Are you using the New Row trigger? It takes a few minutes to run (if you are on a 1-min plan, it will run every minute).

@kishanprmr @Yaiza What do you mean by erased?

@ashrafsam I’m on the 1-min plan, but it’s been like 10 minutes already. All the previous tests only took 2 minutes tops.


Exactly this. Even though yesterday it was deleting all the information without giving any error message.

@kishanprmr @ashrafsam Refreshing the page doesn’t make the issue go away.

That’s bad! I’ll open a bug and ask for Mo’s help

@ashrafsam I have tried deleting the connection and recreating it. But it still throws error.

Yes, I tested it on my account too. Showing the same thing. I opened this (Notion doesn't load dropdowns - #2 by ashrafsam). Bugs is moderated by abu aboud, so we can make sure it gets fixed when posted there.

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@Yaiza Did you add more rows to the sheet and is it still not firing?