Gozen Forms to Notion

@ashrafsam Yeah, I tried adding 6 more rows in the last 5 minutes, but nothing’s happening. No response at all.

@Yaiza So there are two issues now:

  1. Google Sheets not triggering on new rows.
  2. A step in your flow is getting deleted.

Is this correct?


  1. Yes, the whole flow is completely busted now. It was working just fine until 30 minutes ago, but now it’s completely dead.

  2. a) Since Monday, I’ve been having issues with the Notion steps of the workflow getting wiped out. There have been few times where the second step loses all the extracted information from the Google sheet.
    b) And now, the both Notion steps are throwing an error and they don’t get the database.

@Yaiza So to understand (2), the steps themselves in the flow aren’t disappearing but the settings inside them are disappearing due to the dropdown error, is this correct?

Regarding (1), can you DM me your flow ID? The one in the browser URL while you’re editing the flow. I’ll open a ticket internally to see what’s going on.

Hey @ashrafsam, before this new error popped up, the connection was working fine. However, all the fields that were mapped out from the Google sheet got “erased” after publishing the flow.



So, I had all these fields mapped out and they were working fine for a brief period of time. But, multiple times all of the data went completely lost. I filled them out like 4 o 5 times, and the new error kicked in.

@ashrafsam, actually, the entire AP page is down (or at least I can’t access it). I’ll try to DM you the Flow ID as soon as it’s back up.

@ashrafsam @kishanprmr

Update: good news, the error is gone, but unfortunately, all the information has disappeared.

Both steps are completely blank now.

@Yaiza Can you post this update on Notion doesn't load dropdowns - #2 by ashrafsam and follow that topic for this matter?

Bugs is monitored by the devs so we can make sure things are going in the right direction.

@ashrafsam Ok, it’s done :white_check_mark:

Hey @ashrafsam @kishanprmr

So, I filled in the information again, published the flow, and guess what? The information disappeared once more.

It’s been 20 days and this still isn’t working. Can you please help me resolve this?

Hey, the workflow keeps getting erased on its own. Any chance someone is working on fixing this bug? @ashrafsam @kishanprmr @abuaboud

Hi @Yaiza I’d like to construct the steps to reproduce this in order to move it to Bugs for the team to fix it.

Are these the steps:

  1. Add a Notion step.
  2. Fill in the info.
  3. Publish the flow.
  4. Refresh the page and the info filled in Notion’s steps are gone.

If you confirm this, I’ll test and see if I can repeat the issue so we can fix it.

Hi @ashrafsam

  1. Add a Notion step. //I tried both adding a new step and editing a existing one that has been erased.
  2. Fill in the info.
  3. Publish the flow.
  4. Refresh the page and the info filled in Notion’s steps are gone. // just clicking in another step also does the trick no need to refresh the page.

Hey everyone, is there any update on this issue? @ashrafsam @abuaboud @kishanprmr

Hi @Yaiza We’re on it!

Hey @ashrafsam, thanks for this! Let me know if there are any updates on this. Really appreciate it!

Hi @Yaiza I can’t seem to be able to reproduce this error, can you screencast it and share the link here? I’d like to see if I’m doing the steps the same way you are doing them.

Hey @ashrafsam, just wanted to give you an update on the issue. I can’t seem to reproduce it anymore. The last time I tried was a couple of days ago. However, now I’m facing a problem with the branch piece. It was working perfectly fine for a few weeks, but suddenly it’s not cooperating. I’ve retested it and everything seems to be okay. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Also, this is still happening… I cannot add a number to this field (it’s a numbers field in Notion) or trigger an error.

Hi @Yaiza Can we start splitting these issues into new topics? It will become harder to help on one thread for all of them.

Can you open each of these issues under Bugs? As they are potential bugs.