✨ Activepieces Release 0.12.X

Hey community,

We’re very excited to announce the release of Activepieces 0.12 :love_you_gesture: Here is a breakdown to what’s new in this version:

New Features

1. Internationalization :earth_africa:

Our awesome contributor @Doskyft has added the ability to add translations to the main Activepieces app. Try to add /fr to your Activepieces URL to see us in French!

You can contribute your own language as well. Pieces are not yet translatable but the app is.

2. Platform :crown:

Agencies who’d like to make Activepieces their own brand (color and logo) and SaaS products who’d like to embed Activepieces will like this offering. We will reflect it on our pricing page very soon (in a couple of days).

This will be available both on our cloud and self hosted. These features are released under our enterprise license rather than the MIT license, so you need a license key to use them. The features are:

  • :briefcase: A new Platform Admin page, accessible by the owner of the platform.
  • :rocket: Create projects under your platform.
  • :art: Customize your branding and theme in the Platform Admin Settings.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Whitelabel Activepieces with your custom domain.

To get set up on the Platform plan, reach out to sales@activepieces.com

3. Other features

  • :mag: Visualize Redis queues for self hosters and troubleshoot more efficiently with the ability to turn on bull board and check environment.

  • :package: Private Pieces support: Upload tar files directly into “My Pieces” and access documentation (Cloud only Feature).

Pieces Updates

  • Airtable: Fixed Field Mapping when Updating a Record.
  • Microsoft Excel: Actions - Append Row to Worksheet, Get Worksheets, Get Worksheet Rows, Update Worksheet Row, Clear Worksheet, Delete Worksheet, Add a Worksheet to a Workbook, Get Table Rows, Get Table Columns, Create Table, Delete Table, Lookup Table Column, Append Row to a Table, and Convert to Range, all by @BastienMe.
  • Saastic: Actions - Create/Update Customer and Create Customer Charge by @leolupianez.
  • Shopify: Sample data for triggers is now fixed.
  • Math: Actions - Division, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Modulo, Generate Random Number, all by @lisander-lopez.
  • Discord: Actions - Add Role to User, Remove Role from User, Rename Channel, Find Channel, Find User, all by @TaskMagicKyle.
  • OpenRouter: The load models list is now fixed.
  • Talkable: Added a “No Error On Failure” parameter for all actions by @Vitalini. :tada:

Bug Fixes

  • Made the area under the data to insert popup clickable when hidden.
  • Webhook Multipart is now fixed and supported again.
  • The “Delete Team Member” button is now fixed.
  • Code pieces are now stored inside flow JSON, preventing code disappearance after publishing or duplicating a flow.

Developer Experience

  • :desktop_computer: The HTTP library in the piece framework now correctly sends query parameters, thanks to @andchir.
  • :whale: Improved Docker layer caching and ignored files, contributed by @maor-rozenfeld.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Added integration tests for the platform APIs and improved the e2e playwright tests to be less error-prone.

Contributors Spotlight

Big shoutout to our contributors: @andchir, @leolupianez, @lisander-lopez, @Doskyft, @UdayKharatmol, @derbbre, @TaskMagicKyle, @maor-rozenfeld :heart_eyes:

:link: Check out the full changelog on GitHub :rocket:


What is this Platform Edition?

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@knightskid Added more information to the original announcement!


For the users that purchased Activepieces through Appsumo, what will the changes be to the tiers and plan name changes be ported? I would like to know thanks.

As far as I’m aware, there haven’t been any announced changes to the tiers for those who purchased Activepieces through Appsumo. The new features and the Platform Edition seem to be part of an additional enterprise model, which includes white-label capabilities, rather than changes to existing plans.

This enterprise tier is geared more towards agencies or SaaS products looking to brand and integrate Activepieces into their services.

Hi @Drivebsg - as @Dennis mentioned, the new offering is an additional one to what we already had. All tiers sold on AppSumo mapped to the Pro plan which still exists under the same name. We compacted our old plans into one Pro plan and we’re now adding more capabilities under new plans and add-ons.

So nothing changed! If something is going wrong in your account, please contact us at support@activepieces.com to resolve it.

Great news on the new Actions, but I’m still having issues with Discord Actions “Add Role to User” integration, I posted the issue at: Discord action Add Role to User - missing permissions

If someone could give me feedback it would be great.


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I still need help with this Discord Action that was recently released. I was not able to figured out how to get Discord user ID (the action List Guild members is not working)

Please see the thread at: Discord action Add Role to User - missing permissions - #4 by ddesign

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for this release and keep up the good work! Activepieces is so helpful for me!

Is it correct that activebots are not available after upgrading? I can still add the piece, but the the tab disappeared from the left sidebar on the homepage.

Hi @Michel_N

Yes the code is deleted from github, although you remind me to deprecate the piece from npm, It should be removed now.

Thank you,

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