🎁 Templates Rewards

Hello there Activepiecers !

Ever since we added the ability to share templates and import them, we have been thinking of a way for the community to be more engaged so people building automations can have a jumpstart :rocket: .

Introducting Templates Rewards :gift:

Now we have a special category on our community where people will be submitting their templates for free tasks (+400 tasks/month) :smiley: , your template will be reviewed by a member of the team and published so all people can access it.

Your template must follow the rules specified here

All you need to do is share your template URL with us, or export it and upload it in your post .


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Where we can share the link/template file?

Hi @yesbhautik, you can either export the flow or share its link and post it in its own topic within the category of β€œTemplates”.

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are the added task renewed every month? and do you get a new (+400) with each one that’s added?
because I have a few custom code automations I could share

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yes, they are added to your monthly quota.

sorry I am not sure i get you yet. Is it permanent as in every month that would be added to my quota?

I also added a template but I don’t know what next

they are renewable every month, and I will take a look at your template soon, thanks for submitting it :heart:

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