Wordpress REST API fail

Hello, I`m facing problems tryuigng to log in my Wordpress site into AP.
I contacted the hosting provider, they checked any antivirus and disable it, I even created an account for AP lol
Also the permalink are in “post name” too
Please help

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I am getting the same error can anyone please help on this

Hi @codemaster_devops @Javier_Martinez ,

At the moment, I can’t reproduce the issue. I just want to confirm that the permalinks are set to any option other than “Plain”. Any additional details or steps you can provide to reproduce this issue will be appreciated.

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@kishanprmr I talked to my hosting provider and this is what I receive:

Hi Javier,

Can you pass the following to the third party and they should be able to get you the information.

Can you confirm the user agent that they are using to connect, or a timestamp that will show in the logs for us to get to the bottom of that//

I tested in a brand new Wordpress and still receive the same error

did you install the plugin asked for in the note?

Yes, and the Permalink aswell

I visited https://lazylearner.com/wp-json and it is saying this :

"error_description":"Sorry, you are not allowed to access REST API.",
"error_reason":"With the free plan, only WordPress default endpoints can be authenticated. You can upgrade to the suitable premium plan to securely access the custom built or 3rd-party plugin endpoint."}

you need to fix that .

Can you check again please? I desactive and activate again the plugin and use CTRL + F and look for that error and I dont find anything, I tried again in ActivePieces and the same error

IT was my Hosting provider have Security Antivirus …

I get to used for some domains and then one domain does not work at all:

It happened this when I have activated Auth plugin, when I disable it it tell this:

I created a new user and does not work (happen that in the image) so 1000% the password is correct.

Any ideas?

try this in your settings file wp-config.php

define(‘WP_REST_API_DISABLED’, false);

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When you say password which password actually should be used?
wordpress username password or Application password?

I dont know whats happening, It happen the same thing in two domains, first all goes well and then suddenly I got this error:

If i desactive the auth plugin in wordpress I got the API REST error, any idea?
Also I add that code and nothing…

Could you please provide the complete error message related to this step? Also, what are the values from columns E and F in the Google Sheets step that are being passed to this step?

The error is: “Error 1: {"response":{"status":500,"body":{"code":"incorrect_password","message":"\n Error 2: The password you entered for the email address jmartinez@dbta.agency is incorrect. <a href=\"https://madrid365.com/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword\\\”>Lost your password?","data":null}},"request":{"body":{"_overheadLength":167,"_valueLength":272933,"_valuesToMeasure":,"writable":false,"readable":true,"dataSize":0,"maxDataSize":2097152,"pauseStreams":true,"_released":true,"_streams":,"_currentStream":null,"_insideLoop":false,"_pendingNext":false,"_boundary":"--------------------------819302730718254348319701","_events":{},"_eventsCount":3}}}\n"

The values is not the problem because if I do it with no values I get the same error

If I create a new application password, same error:

Looks like its expecting a wordpress username and password, i.e. the credentials which you use to login to WordPress dashboard.

This is getting really confusing…
I will be suprised if none of the username/passwords work.

Try to use the WP dashboard username instead of the WP dashboard email credentials
If that does not work then try the WP dashboard email credentials.