When new row is added, nothing is triggering and yesterday it worked just fine.But when i republishing the flow after connect it with google sheets its working fine ,how can i solve this issue?
Yea, seems like again they have another bug.
When you replce the google shet to version 11+ and save it the automation go back to version 10 if you go inside again.
Seems like that something they will need to fix with a lot of other things to make things more stable which aren’t.
Are you using the cloud? If self hosting what the version do you have?
Have you read my message as well?
I am using the cloud and i upgraded the automation to 11v and it works but when you refresh the automation page it goes back to version v0.10.13 and stop working.
You should probably also find a way to automatically upgrade things without require the user to do it as it cause your system to be not stable and automations just like that stop working.
Can you please DM me the video @FOXKILL_FOXKILL when switching back is happening, I am trying to reproduce for the tech team.
Sure, i have sent the video by dm
Thank you a lot!, forwarded to the team!
HI @abuaboud i found out what the problem was.
I have another google sheet widget to update the the row.
Seems like if you have more than one google sheet automation and you update only one widget back not the other then your system not saving the automation correctly.
When i updated both google sheet automations i was able to save the new version.