Welcome to Activepieces community!

We’re happy to have you here :smiley:

Build Activepieces with us

Next to being an automation software, Activepieces is a welcoming community of users and contributors who share questions, thoughts and work together

While hanging out here, you’ll notice these community sections, here are some helpful tips as to how to engage with them.

:speech_balloon: Discussions

You can share your vision to how Activepieces or the community should look like and start conversations about it. This is the place to post what doesn’t fall under one of the other sections.

:hugs: Support

If you’re trying to do something with Activepieces but unable to, this is where you can ask your questions. Remember to search before posting and to post sufficient information so you can get help.

:moneybag: Marketplace

You can ask the community to build your flows or pieces for money. This section is dedicated to paid opportunities within the community. Keep it clear and comprehensive to get replies.

:beetle: Bugs

Found a bug? This is where you can post about it. Please help our contributors by posting the steps to reproduce the bug along with screenshots or screencasts.

General Rules:

  • Participate. Chime in the discussions and create value to the community.
  • Respect everyone. Report to admins if you’re annoyed by something.
  • Help others. Someone helped you? Help someone else next.
  • Don’t spam. Communities don’t like spammers.
  • Post correctly. Understand the section you post in and the formatting you should post with.

Thank you for building this with us and enjoy being here!


Just joined and already feeling at home. Thanks for the warm welcome!

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It’s already your home! Welcome @Dennis :tulip:

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Amazing :blush::blush: this is going to be an amazing resources :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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I am sure it will! Let’s make it a great place for everyone

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Great decision! I’ve always believed using a forum community is better for searching, requesting, and answering questions than Discord chat.


And we are here now too :eyes: good to see everyone here

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Problemo! When I received your email confirmation, I accidentally hit “unsubscribe” instead of confirming my email. Next, I confirmed my email. I’m just worried, I’ll be marked on an unsubscribed list. What can I do?

We use different providers for newsletters and verification emails, so you’re probably unsubscribed from our Firebase emails but not our Mahilchimp. Which emails do you want not to miss? @allisonkessler

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I would like to be subscribed to both. Is there a way I can re-subscribe myself to Firebase?

I just joined and am ready to learn about Active Pieces.

Also, just joined in the last moment with Appsumo going all into Tier 3. Many tools until now were not what I wanted and I hope this will be the one thing I have searched for!