WebHook Response Module

Wondering if someone can help me with this problem I am having with the “Webhook Response” module.

It seems to always stringify the data I insert. For example if I insert JSON it will not retrun as JSON.

Hi @Chowderr

I just tested with simple POST request and It does work, can you provide a curl or a reproducable way? maybe add the content-type in the header?

curl --request POST \
  --url https://cloud.activepieces.com/api/v1/webhooks/kMPclVUo8UlewFMDe4f9B/test \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '  {
      "name": "first name",
      "email": "first email"

Thanks for responding, I apologize for being a bit late.

  1. I do not see an option for “webhook response” in AP so how were you able to test this? If this is not a webhook response module then this is completely wrong for what I am talking about.

  2. There is no curl for this - it is a response to a webhook. So it can’t be reproduced in something like Postman.

Hi @Chowderr,

Sorry, I thought this was a webhook trigger. I read the post at 2:40 AM, haha.

We don’t have a webhook response; we have an HTTP piece that has a “Return Response.” I think you are using a custom piece.

I see the confusion.

I used the HTTPS module and still the same thing. You guys stringy the response. Why is this?