👁️‍🗨 We Listened and Here is the New Step Output Viewer

Hello again Activepiecers!

This is a follow up on the ⭐ Making Steps Inputs/Outputs Human Friendly announcement.

You now can view the output in a tree structure making it easier for the eye to read the output without any extra cluttering, let us know what you think down in the comments, looking forward to hear from you :smiley: .




Looks like a great compromise!


I love this improvement! Simplicity and readability of YAML without making us immediately learn a new language. For what it’s worth, I appreciated the YAML announcement but was under immediate pressure to go brush up and learn a language just for this (I don’t use Ansible or other yaml things yet, but I wanted to start learning yaml for that one day). So maybe yaml was the right move but this is the best short term option since we know JSON. You can consider making a toggle switch in settings for those comfortable with yaml perhaps to start using already. Long term though just keeping this would work great as I know other automation platforms use json so perhaps it’s easier, plus gpt4 has a json mode. thanks for the excellent feature improvement here!

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Hi @Pierce_Mooney

YAML is deceiving, at first glance it looks easy but when you later take look It’s much harder, this article talks about it


Oh WOW! Yaml is wayy too complicated in that case JSON is ideal. Looking forward to writing more JSON! Also GPT writes JSON in it’s own JSON model mode automatically - perfect


still wishing we can go back to JSON

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It’s back to JSON, this is what the announcement says. Are you on cloud or self hosting?

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Ahh I see… I’m on cloud.

So this tree view is actually JSON?

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Yes, blue values are text, green are numbers, purple are Booleans.

It was useful to me, as a complete novice, seeing the code outputs as it helped me begin to learn the structures for troubleshooting-- especially if I was trying to ensure my outputs were matching the samples in API Docs for various providers.

I think readability is good, but I will miss old the view. Any chance of a toggle to view the raw vs the readable format?

Love the platform. Love the community you’ve built.

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Hey there, thanks a lot for your kind words, you can still copy the output into a json editor at the moment or download the output and open it in the json editor you have on your machine, I know this is extra work at the time of writing this reply, but we will find better ways to do it in the future.

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A copy icon to “Copy as JSON” is what it needs. To test outputs in other services.

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Hi @Stockton

That’s already there, If you press on Copy button, It will be copied as JSON.