We have a crm built with laravel. How we can use activepieces in our crm

We have a crm built with laravel. How we can use activepieces in our crm.

Was looking all over, buth cant find any documentation for integrate this like we want.

I assume if there is and php documentation for this, it maybe also work.

All help is much appriciated.



It depends on your CRM really. Can it consume webhooks? It has an API?
Maybe if you share your CRM’s name we can search more information.


Thanks for your respond, but i dont think you understood my question.

This is not a integration of our system build on Laravel.

We are asking how we can integrate “activepieces” inside in our CRM, built with Laravel that use PHP.

Since activepieces are not PHP, and there is no way i can set this up inside our linux server (as far as i can find in any documentation)

  • how we do?



Hi @lara – the easiest way is to use our Embed plan if you’re looking for a paid out of the box solution.

This plan offers you the proper management tools, our Javascript SDK and full access to the API.

If you’re interested, please send an email to sales@activepieces.com

Otherwise, you can take the open source software and do some hacking to embed it. It will eventually become hard to sync your fork with our continuous releases, so I don’t recommend this path if it’s for production use.