Upload files from local system

Dear Active Pieces Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am encountering an issue while attempting to upload files from my local system into Active Pieces. Despite following the designated steps for file upload, I’m experiencing difficulties, and the process doesn’t seem to be working as expected.

Steps Taken:

: Logged into my Active Pieces account successfully.
Navigation: Accessed the specific project where file upload is required.
Upload Process: I try to attach files from my local sytem while sending mail .
Observations: Unfortunately, after clicking the upload option, it doest show the upload file options from the local system .

Expected Outcome:
I anticipate a smooth file upload process, allowing seamless integration of files from my local system into Active Pieces.

Hello @Sivaranjani_Sampath, welcome to our community :star_struck:

Currently we don’t support uploading from local system, however if you upload your file to your google drive and use our Google drive piece with the “Read file” action, you could use that to upload your file with your email.

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@Abdul, thanks for the quick reply! Just out of curiosity, what steps can we take on a self-hosted instance to get the file input to work with local files? Is it as easy as updating the angular input, or do we need to tweak the engine package as well?

Hi @sinbad, you would need to:

  1. Edit our Angular front-end to accept files UI/UX wise and send them to the backend to save them.

  2. Edit our Fastify backend to accept multiple files in the saving flow endpoint and handling where to store these files.

  3. Edit our engine package to tell it how to get the files from storage.

There might be other things you would need to adjust here and there, but these are the 3 major things.

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Understood. Thanks for the explanation!

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