I got a banner to update my version from 0.26 to 0.26.1. That link (~/docs/install/options/upgrade) directed to the documentation; however, it was not on the upgrade page nor upgrading section, but on the welcome page of documentation.
I used Ask AI and it paraphrased the content from the upgrading page that luckily it also referenced.
It must be just me or the wording and formatting of the Upgrade section would benefit from revision to make is clearer.
For some reason, the link for breaking changes link is also landing on the documentation welcome page.
Here is my suggestion to this section of the content:
To upgrade to new versions, which are installed using docker compose, perform the following steps. First, open a terminal in the activepieces repository directory and run the following commands.
Hi @abuaboud
I’m too much of a newbie to know how to pull push stretch request.
I’m lost in what you just suggested
Sorry, whoever wants to get credit for improving the wording of the documentation, please go right head.