Unable for forms to accept file uploads

I tried creating a trigger ‘On Form Submission’, where one of the input fields is of type ‘File’. When I try the draft link or publish link, I am unable to select any file from the system, all files are greyed out.

I faced this issue both on the cloud and self-hosted version.

I have the same issue on Mac too.
on Windows I’m able to use it with no problems. one turnaround I found on Mac is to use Chrome. and click on “Show Options” at the left bottom and select “all files”.

But I get another issue is when a file is uploaded through form I can’t retrieve its content instead I have some bas64 string and I dont know what to do with it. I would rather prefer having the pdf or csv file content to parse and play with

@Charles_LI You can use PDF piece to extract text from PDF file.

@kishanprmr Yeah True but how to use the PDF piece if the output of the “Form” piece (and in the form a user can uploads a file).

this is the output of the Form piece I have:

“email”: “test@email.com”,
“cSVFileSubmission”: “data:application/pdf;base64,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”

@Charles_LI are you uploading PDF file or CSV file in form?

Thanks for the suggestion. I was able to upload a file after selecting ‘Show Options’ and now I am stuck in the same place you are. Trying to figure out how to convert the b64 string.