The SFTP section does not work

Hello, I am trying to connect to my SFTP but I always see this same error.

The problem is that with this same account I have always connected through other apps.

Please, I would appreciate it if you could help me solve this problem.

Can you press F12 and take a screenshot of the console window that appears?
Make sure to double-check if there’s any sensitive information!

I can’t reproduce the issue, I think we need to find way to reproduce

I think it may be because I am trying to connect to an SFTP hosting that restricts the connection from certain countries. Does anyone know from which country it is about connecting Activepieces?

Aah yeah, this is a fairly common request, see: Yet another topic about static IP-addresses.

The hosting already allows any country to connect to the folder I created via SFTP but I still get the same error: “Internal Connection error, failed please check your console.”

Please, could someone tell me what exactly to do?

Is it my problem or activepieces problem?

Can you send a screenshot of your browser console?
We might be able to get more information from there :smile:

Of course, here this

Please someone who could help me?

Hi @cesar.boost

At the moment I can’t reproduce the issue that why I can’t guess what’s going on.

If you can help me with that, we could fix it or at least know the reason.

We also working on adding more information here that would help us debug.

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I opened ticket to track adding debug information

Can you press F12 and take a screenshot of the console window that appears?
You sent one without the console earlier, unfortunately that doesn’t help us figure out the issue.

Make sure to double-check if there’s any sensitive information!

Hi @cesar.boost

Please try again and once it fails, there is button called “Report Issue”

Click on it, It should open this dialog

Please copy the response and DM it to me.

We have landed the feature to debug your issue :smiley:


Please, this keeps failing, do you know if I can do anything to improve? Now what happens is that I fill out the form, it loads but then nothing happens…

Hi, The error still persists, now what happens is that it keeps loading infinitely, could you please help me?

Helppp Please!!! I have no way of how to solve this and I need it very much, I would greatly appreciate this support

hey @cesar.boost, could you please press f12 in your browser and check the console tab ? there must be some error showing there at least, make sure you press f12 before clicking save .