Text AI Piece & Native AI SDK

Hello everyone :wave:

In the past month I and @kishanprmr have been working on a native (provider-agnostic) AI SDK for piece developers that enables them to use AI in their pieces without worrying about provider specific settings.

Cloud users now can use the Text AI piece (which is built on top of the Native AI SDK) without using their own keys. For users using the self-hosted version you can define your keys inside the admin console and start using the new Text AI piece.

Currently we only support OpenAI and Anthropic models. Adding a new provider is very straightforward. Contributions for other providers are very welcome! :hugs:

The Native AI SDK is accessible from the @activepieces/pieces-common package. Using it is as simple as importing the AI factory and calling native AI methods!

Would love to get your ideas on how this feature should evolve over time!