Slack 'Send Message To A Channel' blocks issue

My problem is on the Slacks “Send Message To A Channel” action. I’m currently not able to send the “blocks” property.

I believe this is because the “message” property is always required, so I cannot send it blank and when triggered it only sends the message, rather than the “blocks”. Ideally it should be required either message OR blocks.

Hi @rafaelvillage.

If you insert just a space in the message input, would things work or not ?

Hi @Abdul

In my tests it is sending a blank message (which is the space), it still doesn’t send the blocks.

Which version of the piece are you on ?
I added a new step and tried it, check the version on your step, mine is 0.7.4


If things are still stuck, export/share your flow and post it here so I can debug the issue myself.


I’m on the same version (0.7.4) - although I’m using the “Send Message To A Channel” piece.

Can you just confirm me that you’re able to send a “Block Kit blocks” on the “Send Message To A Channel” piece?

This is my current flow:

  "created": "1729027447780",
  "updated": "1729027447780",
  "name": "Integration Log Notification",
  "description": "",
  "tags": [],
  "pieces": [
  "template": {
    "displayName": "Integration Log Notification",
    "trigger": {
      "name": "trigger",
      "valid": true,
      "displayName": "Catch Webhook",
      "type": "PIECE_TRIGGER",
      "settings": {
        "pieceName": "@activepieces/piece-webhook",
        "pieceVersion": "~0.1.5",
        "pieceType": "OFFICIAL",
        "packageType": "REGISTRY",
        "input": {
          "authType": "header",
          "authFields": {
            "headerName": "activepieces-secret",
            "headerValue": "[[redacted]]"
        "inputUiInfo": {},
        "triggerName": "catch_webhook"
      "nextAction": {
        "name": "step_1",
        "type": "PIECE",
        "valid": true,
        "settings": {
          "input": {
            "auth": "{{connections['village_slack']}}",
            "text": "[User ID {{trigger['body']['userId']}} - Integration ID {{trigger['body']['integrationId']}}]: {{trigger['body']['message']}} - {{trigger['body']['datadogUrl']}}",
            "channel": "alerts-onboarding",
            "username": "Integration Logger",
            "profilePicture": ""
          "pieceName": "@activepieces/piece-slack",
          "pieceType": "OFFICIAL",
          "actionName": "send_channel_message",
          "inputUiInfo": {},
          "packageType": "REGISTRY",
          "pieceVersion": "~0.7.1",
          "errorHandlingOptions": {
            "retryOnFailure": {
              "value": false
            "continueOnFailure": {
              "value": false
        "displayName": "Send Message To A Channel"
    "valid": true
  "blogUrl": ""

Two notes:

  • On the UI it shows piece version 0.7.4 although it shows 0.7.1 on the exported JSON;
  • I’m not currently using the ‘Block Kit blocks’ because of the issue we’re having.

Thank you