Slack blocks kit api error

I am working with an ActivePiece to send a slack message to a channel using the slack block kit. I have tested the block in the Slack Block Kit Builder.

	"blocks": [
			"type": "image",
			"title": {
				"type": "plain_text",
				"text": "This is the message above the image"
			"image_url": "https://url",
			"alt_text": "random title"

Given the above structure, the image and message work fine from within the slack block builder when tested.

When I copy and paste the working code over to ActivePieces and run a test I get the error message:

"An API error occurred: invalid_blocks_format"

I found a github issue that describes what appears to be the same issue:

When I attempt to remove the blocks key as it suggests in the issue, I get a validation error from the Piece which no longer allows me to send a test.

Is there a working example I can test with from within ActivePieces?

Hello @SteveL , Welcome to the community :wave:,

Please pass the value of the “blocks” key directly in the step; this will result in the following.

			"type": "image",
			"title": {
				"type": "plain_text",
				"text": "This is the message above the image"
			"image_url": "",
			"alt_text": "random title"

I’m not able to send “blocks”, because the message property is required, and it always sends only the message. Ideally it should be required either message OR blocks. Or when I fill the blocks it overrides the message.