Sending a coupon to a newsletter subscriber

Hi Everyone!

Are there template or turoral available to send woocommerce coupon code newly subscribed newsletter user by Brevot or Smaily?

All Best,

Nobody really cares about this topic?

Please let me know if I have understood it correctly:

  1. Trigger: New subscribed user (Brevo/Smaily)
  2. Action: Create coupon code (WooCommerce)
  3. Action: Send message including WooCommerce coupon code (Brevo/Smaily)

Although Brevo piece does not have a built-in trigger, it can be configured using a webhook.


Thanks for replay!

Yes, your assignment is correct. That’s exactly what I thought.

I have done it(Smaily new subscriber - create Woocommerce coupon - send with Smaily) with before, but I would like to switch to ActivePieces.
How to transfer or reproduce it with ActivePeices?

All Best,

Hi again!

The first start/trigger can also be time-scheduled. Example every 10 minutes going to check if new subscriber are aviable and if yes, then going to step two to action to generate coupon code for that subscriber(only) and by Smaily to that subscriber is last step.

All Best,

I haven’t gotten a solution to any of my concerns here…
Do I really have to switch providers again or are people being helped selectively here?
Or what is the matter that this support is so slow? I didn’t get this service for free.

There were big plans to learn this product for myself and then also offer it to my customers, but now I don’t know… I don’t dare to recommend it to keelgi, because the support is optional and very slow

The flow requested requires creating a completely new piece for Smaily, which is not currently available in the AP. Additionally, since the Smaily API does not support webhooks, polling must be implemented instead, as native webhook/HTTP piece will not work. We will prioritize this piece development according to your required actions and triggers.

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Thans for replay!

As I already mentioned in one of my answers, in this case, is using a schedule version, which checks every 15 minutes if there are new subscribers.

Here is flow:

If you need any more information, please let me know.

All Best,


When could this new Smaily piece be ready? Maybe you can suggest an approximate time?