Im not sure what i might be doing wrong but when i try and do a reset I get an error
postgres=# UPDATE public.user SET password=‘$2y$10$99eQVlZdan2SLSGWrC/IEO/8C779u/0/TLNL84W/vbruVMvt.OIGq’ WHERE email=‘’;
ERROR: relation “public.user” does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE public.user SET password='**************…
its like the user no longer exists
im not sure why the user is gone in the first place as ive been using a password manager and all of a sudden i cant log in
From your screenshot It seems there is no tables / database and the database is completely empty, are you sure data exists? (maybe the docker volume were deleted)?
This is weird because the screenshot clearly says the user table exists, I am not sure how to debug it further, Sorry couldn’t tell from the screenshots.