[self-hosted] Get env in code

How do i use my env variables in the code pieces?

import ObsClient from 'esdk-obs-nodejs';

const obsClient = new ObsClient({
    access_key_id: process.env.OBS_ACCESS_ID,
    secret_access_key: process.env.OBS_SECRET_ID,
    server: process.env.OBS_SERVER

these wont work. and I dont want to hard code my key inside the code pieces.

Hi! Are you using docker compose to run Activepieces?

Anyways, check this: Environment Variables - Activepieces (look for the AP_EXECUTION_MODE)

And then look at this: Workers & Sandboxing - Activepieces

Maybe you wanna change to UNSANDBOXED to be able to read those env variables… I haven’t tried it tho.

yes, i am using docker-compose to run the activepieces.

I managed to achieve this by adding AP_SANDBOX_PROPAGATED_ENV_VARS in my .env file and pass in the variables that I need. For those who’s wondering, you can refer to this : Environment Variables - Activepieces.

After that you can use the env variables in your code piece as follows:

    const access_key_id= process.env.OBS_ACCESS_ID;

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