[self-hosted] Form - Required Field Issue

Hi there, as I was trying out with the form piece as the trigger, I noticed that the form was forcing us to fill in the field even though it was not labelled with “required” when i built it. Now I can’t submit the form without filling in the field (Supporting Document).

I have already pulled the latest image just now, which i believe is of the version 0.32.2.


Below is the JSON of the form trigger:

"trigger": {
      "name": "trigger",
      "valid": true,
      "displayName": "On Form Submission",
      "type": "PIECE_TRIGGER",
      "settings": {
        "pieceName": "@activepieces/piece-forms",
        "pieceVersion": "0.1.0",
        "pieceType": "OFFICIAL",
        "packageType": "REGISTRY",
        "input": {
          "waitForResponse": false,
          "inputs": [
              "displayName": "Location",
              "type": "text_area",
              "description": "Location ",
              "required": true
              "displayName": "Incident Description",
              "type": "text_area",
              "description": "Detail of what happened",
              "required": true
              "displayName": "Supporting Document",
              "type": "file",
              "description": "Document to support your claim.",
              "required": false
        "inputUiInfo": {},
        "triggerName": "form_submission"

Hello @snoopybubu, thank you for reporting this.

Could you please tell us which version of Activepieces you are running ?

hi @Abdul , I was using 0.31.0 previously and faced this issue, so I proceed to pull the latest docker image an hour ago, so I believe now im on 0.32.2. But the issue still persists.