Problem RAST API wordpress

The mistake that plagues everyone
Connection failed: REST API не может быть reachable, visit" Make sure your settings (Settings → Permalinks) are set to “Post name” (или any option other than " Plain") and disable any security plugins that might block the REST API

I have the same problem as many I can not connect to RAST API wordpress, the authors may be time to think and make a clear instruction how to connect to wordpress, how many have already seen this problem no one gave a clear answer. How to solve this problem, can someone give a normal instruction?

sure, please remove the /wp-admin it should look like:

username: admin
password: XXXX
website url:

No trailing slash at the end, “/”

Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom Thanks, it worked for me, but another problem appeared, I showed it in the video

Happy we fixed the first issue! Please see comments below on the video.

The Object Object is an issue of the last couple of days… they are trying to fix this. I think.

But what I see, two things to check,

  • check the formatting of the date if it is the same as the ISO standard. That one is mentioned below the input field for date.
  • you donMt need to fill the last Featured media File, only the URL in the first one should be enough. You can leave this empty.

I think the should work. Would also be able to share the Image URL here on what you trying to use?

Kr Bram

I took the date format from an export file from the same site, there should be no problem with that, but I changed the format to just date, and also replaced the first image in the table. But it still doesn’t work