Pb formating "regular price" with Woocommerce Piece

I try to use the Woocomerce action for create a new product but I fight with a bug about the field “regular price”.
Impossible to create a product because of this field, I think there is a problem in the piece work, as you can see on the screenshot :slight_smile:
I have used a real product to compare, and just put price at the new place.
i thiknk the endpoint should receive "99, in this example and not ":99,
what do you think ?

I think the regular price expects the price to be a string, which is causing the error. I will move this to bugs.

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Thx @kishanprmr
I hope it will be fixed

where is “bugs” category ?

sorry, It’s Known Issues - Activepieces Community category.

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Does anybody knows that problem ?

Did anyone managed to work on this. Today first try with Woocommerce and I am getting the same log info: "“regular_price”:“regular_price is niet van het type string.” but also "“categories”:{“code”:“rest_invalid_type”,“message”:“categories[0][id] is niet van het type integer.”