Newbie question: TidyCal and Whatsapp

I am trying to setup something where when I receive a new booking for TidyCal it sends a message to my whatsapp biz account letting me know as well as an email to the appropriate email accounts. However, I only see an option for one automation at a time. Is there a way to have one thing branch off and do 2 things simultaneously?

If your use case for WhatsApp and email depends on a condition—such as sending a WhatsApp message if something is true, and an email otherwise—you can use a Branch piece. Alternatively, you can set these two steps one after the other, which will be executed in a single flow (e.g., first sending a WhatsApp message, then an email).

Ok thank you. I will try this. Thank you.

Is there any way to simply forward the email from TidyCal directly to another email account with this method? I still want to send the Whatsapp Notification, but I want the email to say You Have a New Booking and then forward the exact message received from TidyCal.

To forward specific emails from TidyCal meetings, you can set up a separate flow with the ‘New Email’ trigger in Gmail. Apply filters for sender or subject to ensure you only fetch emails related to TidyCal meetings. Then, use the ‘Send Email’ action to forward these emails to the appropriate accounts.

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