🧲 Multiselect, copy and paste steps (across flows too)

:magnet: Multiselecting Steps

Hello there our dear community :star_struck:

It’s been a while since I wrote an announcement, glad to be doing it again :smiley:

We are happy to announce that you are now able to multi-select steps to make your experience in our builder much more enjoyable :partying_face:

A small caveat you might notice that we introduced a new button in the canvas controls that toggles between panning mode and selection mode.

:information_source: When you are in Select Mode, left clicking and dragging will select steps, you can pan by clicking the mouse wheel or pressing space and left clicking.

:information_source: When you are in Move Mode you can pan clicking the mouse wheel or left clicking, and to select steps press shift, left click and drag.

:information_source: You can now skip/unskip or copy multiple steps !

:information_source: You can left click any step to see all possible actions as well :star_struck:

:information_source: You can also paste relatively to the step you left click :smiley:

:information_source: You can also paste by hovering the add button on which you want to paste at and press the paste button :tada:

:information_source: If you just press Ctrl + V or right click without selection in some empty space in the canvas you can paste after the last step in your flow

Thank you to our awesome community and team :heart:
Let us know what you think about this in the comments, any feedback is welcome :hugs:

PS: The feature is currently released on our cloud, we will release it for self hosters soon :smiley:

PSS: Paste buttons appearing on hovering was causing technical issues so they were removed for the time being.


Christmas comes early this year! Again a nice feature dropped by the team! Loving it!! :star_struck:


Now I know it’s Christmas!

Paste after doesn’t seem to work.

No pasting seems to work at all at the moment.

Hi @Evgeny

It’s working for me, can you please let me know the browser or If you can send me a video that would even be better!

Here you go!

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Could you please check if you have clipboard permission enabled ?

That is amazing update, great option (-:

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Yup, that solved it!

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