Microsoft MS-SQL Database

Microsoft SQL Server

Pretty much all of my (Zapier) automations are triggered by MSSQL. I won’t be able to use Activepieces until SQL is supported.

  • Actions you’d like to see: Create a new table record or update an existing record
  • Triggers you’d like to see: New record/row, updated record/row, custom query (usually to look for a new or updated row, but not from a specific table. So the custom query allows me to find new or updated information using table joins)
  • Use case you have in a real business setup: I have over 40 automations that are triggered from new or updated records in SQL. The majority sent a Google Chat notification to users or add/update a record in Google Sheets. In other cases, we add or update tickets in Jira, subscribers in Mailchimp, as well as create contacts or bills in Xero.

In summary, the ability to use MS SQL database as a trigger is crucial for those of whose customer and vendor data, as well as sales data, are stored in a SQL database.