Launch Week I Day 4: Simplifying Automation with the SubFlows Piece · Activepieces

Today, we’re thrilled to announce a new piece in Activepieces that will simplify complex workflows: the SubFlows. This new piece allows users to seamlessly call another flow within their main flow, enhancing flexibility and reducing complexity in execution.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great feature, thanks for adding this but is there any documentation on how to use this?
How do I set the return values for example?

hi @knoakes

You can use return response from the same piece in the subflow, then in calling it make it wait for response.

Please note It will time out after 30 seconds, If there is no response from the subflow, I would strongly suggest to make them not dependent on each other

Thanks for the quick reply. Is there any way to change the timeout. I know for a fact I have some ERP web services I need to call that can take several minutes to respond if performing upates and I need to know if they respond.

Minor bug but confused me for a bit. Making a formatting mistake in the JSON for the Sample Data causes Generate Sample Data to permanently disappear, even after reload. See screenshot where I added a comma where there shouldn’t have been one:

Screen Recording 2024-09-18 at 1.30.10 PM

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@knoakes It’s no longer time out :smiley:

@paulrudy Can you please test again?

Hello guys,

I dont understand at all how it’s working.

Can we have some documentation ?

I was thinking I could from my flow A post to a subflow (as to a webhook).

Anyways, tried a lot of things, but to have a video demo or knowledge base to understand it would be great.
