Issue with issues ;)

Hi @islamaf

I received an error on one of my flows via email, so that works great, but when looking at the issue I didn’t see it within the issue screen. So I went through my runs and noticed that the flow didn’t fail but it timed-out. Please see below video of the result. I think it would be good to have the time-out also show within the issues.

Runs - Activepieces - Google Chrome 2024-06-10 12-04-21.mp4

KR Bram

++ another thing I noticed is that the emial does not reflect the same time, it is a two hour difference, it should be 05:11

Hi @Bram, thank you for noting this issue in issues!
We are investigating currently the flows which timeout to being shown in the issues section.

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Hi again @Bram!
The email now will indicate the timezone in the date!

Regarding your main concern, I tried to reproduce the issue, but it seems to work as intended. Once the flow times out, it appears in the issues section with the correct count of failed runs (due to errors in the flow, flow timing out, etc.). When you mark the issue as resolved, it disappears from the issues section, resetting the count for this flow back to 0. If any new issues arise in the same flow, the counter starts from 1 again.

I hope this clarifies how issues currently work! Please let me know if I missed anything.

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Hi @islamaf,

Thanks for fixing the time zone within the email.

What I tried to explain is that when you go to issues (when you have one ofcourse). And you click on the issue you get send to a list of all previous issues, as you can see I get send to a list of two item, those are from march somewhere. But the newest issue of June 10 is not there in the list. As I would expect that and then be able click open the issued run and see what went wrong. But it looked now like the timed-out run is not within the list.

I hope this clarifies what I encountered. If not let me know

Kr Bram

Alright, thank you so much for the clarification!

I now have a better understanding of the issue which I have seen in the video snippet you have sent and I am fully aware of it now. Will continue investigating why this is happening and will update you as soon as we reach to something.

Thank you, @Bram!

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Hi @islamaf

This morning I made some changes to my google sheets, as a result my flow ran into issues. I have not been notified about this via email neither in my spambox. Could you check is the email went out? timezone Amsterdam

Hi @Bram!

We’ve improved the status filters in the Runs section. Now, you can multi-select status filters and navigate directly from an issue in the Issues section, with the filter set to include all failure types encountered in your flow.

Also, regarding your recent email alert issue, I see that it didn’t get sent from our side. However, you can now resume to receive the email alerts normally.


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