Issue with base64 image using Concatenate and wordpress piece

I am trying to insert an image I got from pexel, converted it to base64 to make it lighter but I am not able to send it to wordpress. I wanted to add this image in the middle of the article, so I used concatenate piece and sent this piece as main content to the wordpress piece. The issue is that it is not able to convert it to an image and the output on my wordpress or even in the concatenate piece is just the copy of the long string of numbers.


Hello @Knight_Ride963, Welcome to the community! :wave:

You should add an image link instead of using the base64 image in the content of the WordPress post. You can upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox to get the image link.

Hi I used Read File piece to get an url so I can add it to wordpress but the read file output is only download image, and this does not work.

Hi , i had similar issue with the URL generated for images stored on google drive. I wasn’t able to preview the images in wordpress and notion because the Google Drive URL is not direct to the image.

I found out that for some platform (like google sites) it works only if you create the url in this format (replacing ‘‘xxxx’’ with the id of your file) :

I hope it helps with wordpress.
Another option is to use images that you have on dropbox, the url generated from DROPBOX works properly (it works for me).
