🌟 Introducing Updates Tool for Self hosting

Hello Activepiecers!

Updates section is now live on your Admin dashboard! :rocket:
This new feature enables you to stay informed about the current and latest versions, track previous releases, and explore the changelogs—all within the comfort of your dashboard.

A friendly reminder: keeping your version up-to-date ensures you never miss out on the awesome new features we regularly release!

Looking forward to hearing your feedback in the comments, and we’re open to any suggestions you might have! :speech_balloon:


Great, thanks! I was a bit anxious to not be able to do anything in these admin sections, with all features locked when self hosting :slight_smile: (out of the enterprise plan)

@islamaf, that’s weird, I’ve updated and I’m now running 0.24.1 version, but the Updates tab is not in the Admin / Settings section…

Is this feature available for community?

Great, thanks! I was a bit anxious to not be able to do anything in these admin sections, with all features locked when self hosting :slight_smile: (out of the enterprise plan)

I hear you and that’s a very valid concern. I’m going to bring up this topic within the team again (we discussed it before), and see how we can get our community users some relief in the Admin Console.

Maybe by adding more community features there or by improving the UX.

Hi @ChrisHK,

It will be released in the next version soon. It’s not released yet. We will build a pre-release today (rc) and promote it offical in 1-2 days.

Thank you,

Many thanks to both of you, very appreciated :pray: