Introducing Agency Customer Portal 💫

Hello there Activepiecers :smiley: !

We have been listening to many agencies who build automations for their customers, and after many conversations we had with both parties, we came up with the following feature to make their lives easier.

Introducing Customer Portal for Agencies :star2:

The Customer Portal is a space for agency customers to see details about their automations as easy and accessible as possible, keeping it simple and intuitive, without having to view flows.

This feature is available in the Agency plan, you can request it through our pricing page.
Our aim is empowering agencies to seamlessly invite customers to projects while providing a sleek, user-friendly portal for them.

Customer Portal :star:

In this portal, customers would be presented with two pages, Activity and Connections.

Activity :ledger:

To save time for both customers and agencies :hourglass: , we created a table where customers can track their automations at any time they want, providing them with essential information in 4 columns (Event, Message, Status and Occurred on).

The table will be updated by the agency creating/maintaining the automation in their own preferred manner.

Connections :link:

In this page customers are able to add/remove their connections in addition to checking their status, these connections can then be used by the agency to build automations for their customers.

Building Automations and Updating Activity :building_construction:

Once connections are added, the agency can use them in automations they are building for customers, in addition, agencies now have access to a piece called “Activity” which allows them to add/update records in the “Activity” table.

Inviting a Customer to the Portal :incoming_envelope:

Agencies can invite their customers through their Project Members page, and assign them the “External Customer” role so they can be redirected to the Customer Portal once they proceed with the authentication process.

Conclusion :end:

We cannot wait to hear back from you guys to listen for your precious feedback and improve more and more, with you and for you, our awesome community :heart:


But noone from Appsumo can access any capability on the Admin Panel or the agency customer portal or projects - correct?

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