How would you describe AP’s support?

I took some time to collect my thoughts on this, I think I can best describe it as: “lacking, but understandably so”. While slow response times are no problem at all and even expected given the impressively small team, I’ve also seen things seemingly get ignored on a fairly regular basis.

It makes perfect sense that there’s only community support without an Enterprise license, but I feel like there’s an important distinction to be made between “How to use”-support and “Doesn’t work”-support.
The former can absolutely be left to the community, but better documentation and error handling are essential to keep this model sustainable. I’d love to help people more, but that’s very difficult without helpful error messages.
The occasional lack of acknowledgement of the latter category worries me though. I’m absolutely fine with waiting and working around issues (ideally even contributing fixes for them), but some form of “we wrote it down, no ETA” or “here’s a GitHub issue you can follow” would be nice. Critical incident response has been nothing but fast and effective though, very happy to see that.

Overall I’m pretty satisfied, @abuaboud is an absolute trooper helping people out on the Discord and I’m delighted to see that since the discussion on polishing the product has improved significantly!

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