How to write ntfy actions

I want to write an action line.

After reading the nifty documentation, I try to write this line:
action= http, Yes, Create Approval Links approvalLink; http, Not yet, 2. Create Approval Links disapprovalLink

But I got an error: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

I am not technical and I don’t have any coding experience
Please can someone help make this step work

@izr_amine can you try removing everything and just put “http” without quotes in the actions?

I try but it doeas not work!

@ashrafsam @Abdul
Guys! can you help solve this?

Hello @izr_amine ,

Can you please try adding the Title field in action and see if it works?

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