How do I read a file from Google Drive to be locally used?

Hi, new user here!

I’m testing ActivePieces from today!

I’m trying to replicate this video that shows how to A) read from Google Drive => B) transcript with OpenAi / Whisper

To do so, the author sets 3 pieces: 1. Trigger on new GDrive file, 2. Read file contents, 3. Send binary content to Whisper.

In Step 2 (minute 3’35" in the video) he gets a db://xxxxxx URI to be used as input data for the OpenAI piece.

Nevertheless, following it step by step, when I read from Google Drive, I get an URL like this: “http://83.some.ip.2/api/v1/step-files/signed?token=eyJhbGc__some_nice_jwt__Oi090” instead of the db:// thing.

Thing is:
a) I use this from inside a docker and therefore it has only local IPs attached.
b) Even if using local dockers, the IP there seems to be my public IP.

NOTE: I see I can read the file on the trigger. But this is a bad practice: Imagine you want just to get the metadata on the trigger and then, in function of that, decide if to read or not. In addition it also returns the weird URL thing instead of the file. You should be able to read it later from the read action in base64.

In fact the “trigger” is much like the “constructor” in a class and despite you may do things in the consctructor, you should keep it light and never overload it, and do things in the class methods. Something similar here… the trigger in any state-machine should be “lightweight” and offload any heavy task on the triggered process once it has started.


  • Has the GoogleDrive changed it’s public behaviour since the last months?
  • How can I tell the Drive piece lo load LOCALLY so I can use the contents later on in the following steps?

(NOTE: xref Read contents of file )