How can I read and get the content from a Google Doc document?

I have tried the “Google Docs => read document” piece, but I have no idea how to get the formatted text, but not all the code.

I simply want to be able to either:

a) Solution 1

  1. Read a document
  2. Create a new document with the same + added content


b) Solution 2
Be able to just add a new section in the bottom of an existing document

How can I do this?

Hi @Preben,

I think it’s a great task if we can get contributors to contribute to it.

Note for any contributor:

We need something similar to this action, but instead of using createDocument, we need a property to have documentId:

Thank you,

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A great contributor (Abdullah Bitar) picked it up.

[Link to GitHub pull request: feat: added append text action to google docs piece. by AbdullahBitar · Pull Request #4430 · activepieces/activepieces · GitHub]

It’s released, I think this should solve your problem.


Thank you Abdullah Bitar and @abuaboud ! This is excellent! :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


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