How can I connect active pieces to make outbound calls from a Google sheet to dial through Vapi?


I very new to this tech and activepices. So far I’ve started a workflow that has a Google sheet as a trigger from the phone number column. Here laysthe problem. Since ActivePieces don’t have a naitive VAPI module, I’ll have to create it. I just know which module I need to make the APIP call to Vapi to dial the phone number fron the trigger column. Can someone help with this problem?

Best regards and thanks in advance.
Crawford Peterson

Here’s what I been able to get by testing output using the HTTP module
“{"response":{"status":401,"body":{"message":"Missing Authorization Header.","error":"Unauthorized","statusCode":401}},"request":{"body":"{ \"headers\": { \"Authorization\": \"Bearer 3f0b351-eac5-49f3-9084-79658b1b424\" }, \"body\": { \"phoneNumberId\": \"534f8fef-6623-45d5-8de3-191312d79a\", \"assistantId\": \"b6bab93b-a14e-465e-8605-5e2136866e\", \"customer\": { \"number\": \"+Phone Number\" } } }"}}”

I’ve worked onit some more and this is the last try testing the connection I got this:
“"Header name must be a valid HTTP token [\"Bearer 3f0b351-eac5-49f3-9084-7965b1b4c24\"]"”

I have tried many version to try to solve this and can’t get beyond this point

Hello @positiondriver , Welcome to the community :wave:,

Can you try step mentioned in image? Also please reverify your token as it shows invalid token.

Let me know if you face other issue.

Thanks for your reply. I was able to solve it before I saw your message.

Thank again.

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