FLOWLU - Integration (popular CRM)

FLOWLU is a very popular CRM

Please add integrations for create, update, delete:

custom fields,
agile projects,

This would be a spectacular additionā€¦Unfortunately, I donā€™t have any votes left.

Any Flowlu users out there?

Itā€™s on Appsumo for just a few more days!


You just got my vote here!

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Yes please! Would love to see Flowlu integration.

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Yes, I need to integrate to flowlu as well

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Yes, this is a must. There are a lot of Flowlu users here and many would benefit.

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Canā€™t wait to see this amazing connection soon please!!

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Woah this would be awesome!!

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Would be interested in working on this, but a very limited version, maybe supporting projects alone for now


If Iā€™m not mistaken, this should be completed.

@kishanprmr released the following:

  1. Create Task
  2. Update Task
  3. Get Task
  4. Delete Task
  5. Create Opportunity
  6. Update Opportunity
  7. Delete Opportunity
  8. Create Contact
  9. Create Organization
  10. Update Contact
  11. Delete Contact

Wow thanks guys! Looks really good. Will test when I have some time.

We understand the API has many options and developing this to the full will take more time.

@kanarelo developing the project part would be amazing as I think this is one of the core features being used in Flowlu.

Kr Bram

Is Flowlu integration ready to be used?

I can see that is mentioned here: Flowlu Integrations - Connect your apps with Activepieces

But I cannot select Flowlu as a trigger in activipiece (online version)


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I get Error 500, Do you get it right?

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Hi @Javier_Martinez, can you share screenshots for which step you are facing the error?

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@Javier_Martinez , Thanks for the screenshot.

In the domain field for authentication, use dbta as the value. For example, if your Flowlu account URL address is https://dbta.flowlu.com, then your domain is dbta.

Let me know if you still face any error.

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CleanShot 2024-01-31 at 09.34.03
Let me verify all is OK

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Thanks for the help man! Can we connect via direct msg?


Iā€™m glad I could assist you. Feel free to ask any questions or queries you have in a direct message.

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