Extract from HTML Piece

Extract from HTML Piece


  • Extract specific data from HTML using CSS selectors or XPath.
  • Parse HTML content from URLs or raw HTML code.
  • Ability to select and scrape structured data, such as tables, headers, or links.

Use Case:
This feature would be ideal for automating web scraping tasks, such as pulling product details from e-commerce sites, collecting news headlines, or extracting data from reports. It simplifies extracting content from websites or email bodies for processing in workflows without needing complex custom scripts.

Do you want to get them from raw HTML or from a URL? We’re working on this piece!

raw html can be done using cheerio , but i/we want it from URL , so you only give selectors and get values , currently im using/working on subflow to extract data (using cheerio) … and it’s also better for people who dont want to deal with coding :slight_smile: