error 500 - You do not have permission to upload such files.

I have this error:
“response”: {
“status”: 500,
“body”: {
“code”: “rest_upload_unknown_error”,
“message”: “Brak uprawnienia do przesyłania takich plików.”,
“data”: {
“status”: 500
“request”: {
“body”: {
“_overheadLength”: 177,
“_valueLength”: 137,
“_valuesToMeasure”: ,
“writable”: false,
“readable”: true,
“dataSize”: 0,
“maxDataSize”: 2097152,
“pauseStreams”: true,
“_released”: true,
“_streams”: ,
“_currentStream”: null,
“_insideLoop”: false,
“_pendingNext”: false,
“_boundary”: “--------------------------264835003719670005285976”,
“_events”: {},
“_eventsCount”: 3

Plugin installed, user role: editor.

Any ideas how to fix that?

Hello @Krzysztof_Mironczuk ,
Could you please provide more details on which step of the flow this error occurred?

I am having the same issue. I have been able to send multiple test articles to Wordpress, then all of the sudden it just stopped working.

It is failing for me at the last step to create post to WordPress.

Error Message:

“{"response":{"status":500,"body":{"code":"rest_upload_unknown_error","message":"Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.","data":{"status":500}}},"request":{"body":{"_overheadLength":163,"_valueLength":3153370,"_valuesToMeasure":,"writable":false,"readable":true,"dataSize":0,"maxDataSize":2097152,"pauseStreams":true,"_released":true,"_streams":,"_currentStream":null,"_insideLoop":false,"_pendingNext":false,"_boundary":"--------------------------629025305766867820797141","_events":{},"_eventsCount":3}}}”

It was last successful at 5:58 PM. Been trying for two hours.

I went back top two previous versions at 2:57 PM and 6:57 PM but still receive the exact same error as above.

I I tried reconnecting WordPress, that’s working, but I cannot post to Wordpress, still same error

Hello @Apex , Welcome to the community :wave:,

what is file type used for create post action?

Hi!. The file type is WordPress. I can’t figure out why its failing. I got it to work a week or so ago, but now this final step of posting to WordPress is failing.

I was playing around with the categories and it had failed since I deleted one of them, but since then I have rechecked the categories in WordPress and all look good, and do show up in the Wordpress ActivePieces settings.

I am still receiving the exact same error when running the last step to post to WordPress.

I cloned my flow and changed it from a chatgpt image to a image ai and it seemed to have worked. I have removed the other flow. This is closed.