Do something on failure of last step


I’m currently running into the following issue:

On New E-mail
Send a message on discord via webhook

Now the problem that I have is that some e-mail are too long/are in HTML, which discord then rejects, and I’m wondering if there is a way to add a function that will do the following:

On failure send a message via a discord webhook: “New E-mail; Can’t parse, please check the inbox”

Thank you!

Hi there @skorupion and welcome to our community :partying_face:

You can use the “Continue on Failure” toggle and check if the output is has that error message and do something accordingly :smiley:

My advice is to check if it is HTML, and convert it to markdown using our Text Helper piece
then use a code piece with our AI Copilot to truncate the text by the max amount of text Discord allows and then send the message using the Discord action.

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