Debugability and console print is broken of code piece in new release

Dear Sir/Madam,

Till August2024 the code piece was having a feature to make it larger window size to open. It also has features to run and check the command immediately. Moreover it was having a tab where we can check the console prints also.

However at todays date when I try to add a new flow or try to edit an old one.

I have none of this features available, instead of that there is a new option called add package. Kindly help me with the correct tutorial on the same issue or let me know if those features are depricated.

Thanking you!

The console will be brought back soon; it went under the radar.

Regarding the fullscreen code editor, did you try resizing the sidebar? What is your screen resolution? Do you think it is not large enough?

Thank you,

How do I compile/Run and test the code?
Without that how to understand if it works or not and the bugs?

@abuaboud Sorry for not answering your questions directly. My screen resolution is Full HD 1920x1080, and I can adjust the size using the sidebar.

However, I’m having trouble finding a compile/run option to debug and understand the code output. I’m also unsure how to use this tool in real-time. If there’s another place where I can test the code and then copy and paste it back here, that would be helpful.

I am still waiting for the feature to work.

When the console will come back?

I am also missing the fullscreen button on a 14" Mac. That makes writing code directly on the website quite annoying.

This will come back soon! sorry for late response

How about the compile/run option to debug and understand the code output. Is that also coming back?
That could make huge success for the code block to make in real use.

You can run and see the output, If you press on “Test Step”, What’s missing today is the console logs