Copilot Enhancements
We’ve made our Copilot smarter and more accessible to help you build better automations.
See it in action:
What’s new?
Smarter Understanding
Better grasp of your flow’s context and requirements
Remembers previous steps and builds upon them
Provides more relevant solutions based on your workflow needs
Ask AI Button
Quick access to Copilot assistance everywhere
Just click “Ask AI” to get started
Faster way to create and modify your automations
Visual Improvements
Intelligent icon selection for your steps
Maintains visual consistency throughout your flows
Makes your automations easier to navigate
Enhanced Flow Awareness
Better understanding of connections between steps
Smarter handling of inputs and outputs
More contextual suggestions based on your flow structure
Try these new Copilot features in your next automation! We’re continuously working to make building flows easier and more efficient.
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