Connection GitLab with tocken


We are trying to set up a GitLab connection in a self-hosted ActivePieces instance. The goal is to create a ticket in our “Helpdesk” project in GitLab when a new response is received from a Google Form.

We want to authenticate the GitLab connection using a token rather than a user account (email + secret), but as you can see in the screenshot, the required fields don’t seem to match the token-based authentication method.

How can we fix this issue? If any environment variables need to be enabled, could you please indicate which ones we should use?

Thanks in advance for your help!

IT Support OrcaStudios

Hello any update on this?

thanks a lot

Hello @Francesco_Veroli , Each piece has only one type of authentication, such as GitLab using OAuth2 in the current version. I will forward this to the team to come up with a better solution and will keep you updated.

ok thanks a lot, we are stuck with this atm.

Thanks for your collaboration

Hi, is there any update on this? Can I ask to speak with a technician? is urgent

thanks a lot @kishanprmr

Hello @Francesco_Veroli, as a workaround, you can use the HTTP piece and send a request action to create an issue in the GitLab project as shown in image.

Hello @kishanprmr thank for your workaround, i will try that, could you please explain what do you mean for “authorization”, is just the name of the personal tocken or is a value in the screenshot you provided?


You need to replace personal-token with actual token from gitlab config.

Hi @kishanprmr

i’ve tested your troubleshoot without success:


"\"{\\\"response\\\":{\\\"status\\\":401,\\\"body\\\":{\\\"message\\\":\\\"401 Unauthorized\\\"}},\\\"request\\\":{\\\"body\\\":{\\\"title\\\":\\\"hello world\\\",\\\"description\\\":\\\"hello world\\\"}}}\""

when you create personal access token, can you select api and read_user scopes and try http step again?

Hi @kishanprmr

the tocken has all the option enabled. those are the only one proposed from GitLab on the tocket creation

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