We are trying to set up a GitLab connection in a self-hosted ActivePieces instance. The goal is to create a ticket in our “Helpdesk” project in GitLab when a new response is received from a Google Form.
We want to authenticate the GitLab connection using a token rather than a user account (email + secret), but as you can see in the screenshot, the required fields don’t seem to match the token-based authentication method.
Hello @Francesco_Veroli , Each piece has only one type of authentication, such as GitLab using OAuth2 in the current version. I will forward this to the team to come up with a better solution and will keep you updated.
Hello @Francesco_Veroli, as a workaround, you can use the HTTP piece and send a request action to create an issue in the GitLab project as shown in image.
Hello @kishanprmr thank for your workaround, i will try that, could you please explain what do you mean for “authorization”, is just the name of the personal tocken or is a value in the screenshot you provided?