Cant loop data from API to google sheets

Can’t loop data from API to google sheets.
Is there some kind of structure that is not usual or what is the matter, I can’t figure it out at the moment. Is there anyone who can advise?

Everything seems to work without the loop piece…
No error message or anything, just spinning

Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to create any working flow with AP :slight_smile:
Does this Loop piece work correctly for other fellow?

How would it be correct to insert the given array items into a Loop to get items: date and email?

It also seems that Google sheet no longer works

It’s a pity, I had high hopes for this system, but everything is not always as it seems

All Best!

Does the commune support not want to explain how to use this Loop piece and give different examples?

Also, why Loop piece not presented here: Integrate your apps · Connectors catalog · Activepieces

Hi @Ilustria, in the loop step, in “Inputs” just select the “body” of your custom api call then hit “test step”, then inside your loop, refer to “item” inside the loop step to be able to take data from the element in each iteration.

Hi @Abdul !

Thanks for replay!

Yes, that’s how I created the flow and tested all the elements, but I haven’t gotten it to work. no data in google sheets…

At the moment I can’t even test anymore because none of the triggers work for me anymore, even 1 minute Schulded trigger not fire anymore.

All my flows stay running, and looks like stuck in trigger…

What’s the problem now?

the values should be the item, correct ? if so, just click on the {f} icon above the input next to the “values” label then click on the input you will see, and select the item within the “loop on items”

Hi @Abdul !

I’ve already tried everything and I’m at a loss :slight_smile:
Can I share the flow for you to review?

API stucture: maybe not tratitionals or something?

At the moment, of course, the biggest problem is that all flows running/spinning and cant doo anything - only step one time, but cant run flow or cant test flow, everything just stay spinning…

There are other users here with the same concern. How can this problem be solved quickly??

Hi @Ilustria, sure thing just share the flow here or export it and post it here.

Hi @Abdul !

I have several of them, which of them? They all run and cannot be closed. There must be options to stop or cancel runs, its not related specifically flow i think.

Schedule (Every X Minutes) pieces stays spinning - Where is the logic here!?

I Made totally new very simple two piecse flow!!! Only piece by piece works, Publishing and testing modes only stay running for all steps. Not pass any steps.
Then i used AP built in template, same problem.

What is bloking here?

What is happening with Active Pieces!!!

@Abdul @kishanprmr @ashrafsam

Whatever you did now seems to have fixed the error :slight_smile:

Finally I see green marks on my flow steps - Fantastic!

Hi @Ilustria

For some reason, you are only one was affected by this issue, somehow this bug cascade weird train of effects ended up blocking your runs.

I mitigated it, we still need to work on how it happens, Sorry for this

Many thanks!
Please make sure this doesn’t happen again :slight_smile:
I almost had to start taking sedatives :slight_smile:

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