Calendly private key trigger doesn't work

My Calendly trigger doesn’t work. I tried the testing flow with demo data and it worked but as soon as I want to try it with my own private key it doesn’t work and doesn’t identify that an event was scheduled. Anyone who can help?

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same here why’s it broken all of a sudden

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Anyone here to help??

How to contact anyone from the team?

plz fix plz fix plz fix plz fix

Hello @ec043 @MoFred ,

I am currently working on reproducing the issue, and it appears to be working for one-to-one meeting creation. Could you provide more details about when the trigger does not work? Specifically, which event type you are using or if there are particular event types where the issue occurs?

For me it doesn’t seem to wait enough time before the error message (about 3 seconds before saying there’s no data to use). I’m on a free plan, so perhaps that’s a part of the puzzle. I also noticed that the name from the test only has “abdul” without a last name. Finally, it looks like Calendly may be migrating to a version 2 of its API key (I got an unknown error when trying to enter the new key/create a new key).

I have scheduled a new Calendly event before the piece was published as a test, and even published the piece then scheduled the event in Calendly and it showed the error message.

That piece does not appear on the “issues” section, though.

Here’s what I’m trying to accomplish:
If a new Calendly event is scheduled, then split the name field into first name and last name using a space as delimitar, use the e-mail from Calendy and the split first name and last name to add their information to a (Convert)Kit sequence and add a tag.

When I test the flow with sample data, it adds Abdul as a subscriber with a tag and they are added to the sequence.

When I try to test with my own information it doesn’t allow enough time for me to enter my details before declaring that testing failed and there wasn’t any data to use. Regardless of whether I use only first name or first and last, when I am entering a new e-mail address, no subscriber is added (as with abdul). When I use an e-mail address that’s already subscribed, no tags are added, nor am I added to the sequence.

Hopefully that gives more context and others can share what’s the same or different and hopeful you can replicate the problem. Thank you for your attention to this.