Basic text operations isEmpty, length, etc - I'm lost

Sorry if this is a stupid or simple question, but I just can’t figure it out.

I’m trying to parse an RSS field and I need to do a basic text operation to see if a) the field is not empty and b) the text in the field is not longer than x. Example:

Take RSS field, look if it is empty → then do nothing, if it is not empty → check if the character count is below 400, if below → post to social media, if not → truncate → then post.

I would assume that one of the helpers does this job, but they don’t. What did I miss?

You can use the first router (Step 2) to check if the RSS field is not empty. Then, use the code step to calculate the length of the content’s character count using the code below. Use (Number is greater than) condition for step 4 router.