Backup - Migrate Self Hosted AP - New Server

Hello All,
Been searching for the following in regards to backing up and restoring based on a back up version of my self-hosted AP. I suspect that the need to install on new server, but my question is, how to move my existing files over to the new location and keep the same instance in place? Is it a matter of backing up the entire file structure and ensure the same file structure is in place on new server, then copy existing over? Then make sure all the keys and api keys along with the secrets in config files are pasted in the new config files on the new server? Or how to restore AP to same server without breaking existing structure.
Sorry if this is some where and I am repeating the same question.

Thank you the guidance.

Which method are you using to host AP? Postgres / Redis or Sqlite3 with memory?

The defaults in the install scipt. Redis and Postgres and being used. have not changed the scripts (internal) from what comes with the install script.
Also, it is a docker instance as well. sorry…

The best way is to move the both volumes of postgres and redis to the new server, and spin up the same docker compose and confirm if the flows stay the same.

For postgres you can also pg_dump on older database and pg_restore on the new server.

In other words, Activepieces is stateless, You need to takec are of moving postgres / redis and activepieces will work!

Thank you, will give it a try and let you know how things go.

Thanks again