Attaching PDF in GMAIL Step in Active Pieces


Hello everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue with this automation workflow with the last step.
Basically i receive the email but there is not PDF attached (it should be the invoice).
I can confirm that the flow generate the invoice in a google document (step 3, see the screen shot) and the Google Doc file is converted in PDF by the step 4.
Step 5 that is ‘‘send email gmail’’ , it works partially : the cliente receive the email but the pdf file is not attached (attached is the video and screenshot of the step 5).

Workflow Details:
Catch Webhook: Capturing incoming data from a webhook.
Duplicate File Template (Google Drive): Duplicating a specific file template in Google Drive.
Edit Template File (Google Docs): Editing the duplicated template file in Google Docs.
Save Template as PDF (Google Drive): Saving the edited template as a PDF file in Google Drive.
Send Email (Gmail): Sending the generated PDF via email using Gmail.
Everything works as expected up until step 5, where the email is sent, but the PDF attachment is not included.

Here’s how I configured the Send Email step:
Action: Send Email
Connection: Gmail account
Receiver Email (To): Mapping the email address from the webhook body
Subject: Order Receipt
Body Type: Plain text
Body: Custom thank you message
Reply-To Email: Custom email address
Attachment: File to attach mapped from step 4 (Save template as PDF id)
Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
Verified that the PDF is being correctly generated and saved in Google Drive after step 4
Despite these checks, the PDF still isn’t being attached to the email.

Hello @Ivan_Sileo ,

Please add a ‘Read File’ action step after the ‘Save template as PDF’ step. This new step will retrieve the ‘File URL’ of the invoice PDF file and pass this ‘File URL’ as the ‘attachment’ in the Gmail step.


Hi! Really thanks for your help.
It works

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