Adding "Task Consumption" column on each workflow

I hope we can get a stats page, a column in the workflow list page and history runs page, showing how much task is consumed by every workflow.

On the stats page, it should show us in a graph with time range on x-axis.
On the workflow list page, it should show the accrued task usage for the current billing month.
On the historic run page, it should show the task usage every pieces (this really when we need to check usages on loops / recursive loops)

This would be great! I am currently skyrocketing with my task consumption. Wth this feature i would be able to see which flow i would have to optimize first to lower my consumption of tasks. @abuaboud you have the data already, would this be something you could add?

I think it would also be nice to have an overview of spend tasks from previous months.

Hi @here

This is added as one of our priorities, we don’t have exact timeline yet.

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This would be great to have, figuring out Multi-variable "Put storage" - #4 by HoldYourWaffle wasn’t fun T_T

I’d love to have an overview on the “View usage” page as well as a tally in the flow overview.