Add Discourse Piece


As many communities are built on Discourse (such as ActivePieces community), I think it would be great to have a Discourse piece like Zapier does :grinning:

This would allow us to integrate Discourse with other apps, such as sending emails to new users, summarizing threads with ChatGPT or creating a new thread when a user reaches a certain Trust Level.


Create new post
Create new topic
Change member’s Trust Level
Add member to a group
Send private message to a member


New post
New topic
New member
Change in Trust Level
Private message received


Probably, the best way to start would be just having these two Actions/Triggers:


Create new post
Create new topic


New post
New topic

That would be quite enough. I still have to use Zapier for that!

I am from the community and NOT a member of ActivePieces, but I will be working on this integration. This week and maybe the next one. I’ll let you know if I can “release” this piece. At least your last post’s triggers and actions.


I have created the piece with the 5 actions you requested. I didn’t create any triggers because you can consume webhooks within Discourse. I hope they release this piece soon.

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That is great, thank you :grinning: I think they released it already, looking forward the triggers as well!

This is an example where I am using the triggers in Zapier. I collect all the posts from my community, and then I send them weekly to ChatGPT to create a summary:

Hello @Verso ! About the triggers, I don’t have them in sight right now.

You can use Discourse webhooks in order to trigger actions on your flows.

You only need to create a new flow, use a webhook as the trigger (“Core” tab), get the generated URL and set it up on your community admin dashboard. More on that here.


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Hi @PFernandez98

Did you finally do any progress with the triggers? I know it could be done with webhooks, but having the triggers would be really helpful (especially for non-tech people like me).

Anyhow, thanks for your help and altruism :grinning:

Hi man! List the triggers you’d want. I’ll try to develop them soon.

I’ll let you know when they become available.

Good day!

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(sorry for the late reply, I was out for some days)

That would be awesome @PFernandez98! I think the most important triggers are New Post and New Topic. That’s it!

Thank you and good day :grinning: